Sahadis, a renowned food establishment in Brooklyn, collaborated directly with the IC development team in the conceptualization of their Industry City location. With a fresh approach, the team seamlessly integrated the family values as a high-end food purveyor into the industrial setting. The primary objective was to create a cohesive aesthetic that harmoniously connected the exterior, interior, and pop-up vehicle in an understated and elegant manner.
A meticulous selection process led to the choice of a traditional pattern that transcended various applications. By employing stenciling and concrete staining techniques, the team intricately applied the pattern to the floor, ensuring its durability within the vibrant grocery store. This tasteful pattern was extended to the exterior and the bar surface to maintain a consistent visual language throughout the space.
Beyond design, the team closely collaborated with a grocery store consultant to optimize the layout. They strategically developed shippable lanes and areas of interest, intuitively guiding shoppers throughout the space. Particular attention was dedicated to the hot food areas and the bar, with the aim of delivering exceptional service experiences. The selection of racks, furniture, and light fixtures was thoughtfully curated to complement the overall design.
The partners contributed to this project as part of their prior employment at Jamestown. Project implementation included creative direction from Jamestown leadership and support from a broader team of designers and creatives employed at the firm.
Photography Courtesy of Jamestown
Interior Design
Materials Sourcing
Facade Storefront
Brooklyn, NY